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MIP-project Stokstroom

MIP-project Stokstroom

The main objective of this project is closing the water and nutrient flows in fresh water aquaculture and horticulture.

The project partners will work together to develop a set of measures which will make the coupling possible of the clean and nutrient-rich water streams of the omega perch farming Aqua4C and the tomato company Tomato Masters. 

The possibility to use the nutrient-rich process water coming from the omega perch farming as a nutrient solution for the cultivation of tomatoes is mainly dependent on the chemical composition of the nutrient solution. The chemical and microbial composition of the fish water is mainly determined by the composition of the fish food. Therefor the company Lambers-Seghers, producer of omega perch feed, will play a central role in this project. Enerso Holding will investigate the possibilities for real time water quality monitoring. PCG, VLAKWA, Innovatiesteunpunt and POM Oost-Vlaanderen will give support in legislative obstacles and in the dissemination of project results.

Conducted in Flanders by:

Industrial partners: Aqua4C, Tomato Masters, Lambers-Seghers, Enerso Holding

Research partner: Provinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Groenteteelt

Society/governement organisations: POM Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlakwa, Innovatiesteunpunt, Boerenbond

Running time: sep 2015 – aug 2017

More information: Stijn Van Hoestenberghe (

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