Van 8 tot 10 juni 2015 organiseert het Departement Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie (LNE) op de Wereldexpo in Milaan een driedaags Milieuseminarie over duurzame voedselvoorziening voor de toekomst. Het seminarie 'From Field to Fork' sluit perfect aan bij het thema van de Expo 'Feeding the planet, energy for life'. Vlaams viceminister-president Annemie Turtelboom opent het seminarie op maandag 8 juni.
Het Departement LNE organiseert het Vlaams Milieuseminarie onder de vleugels van FIT en werkt voor de invulling samen met de academische wereld, het bedrijfsleven en Vlaamse partners zoals Landbouw en Visserij, INBO, ILVO, OVAM, ANB. Het doelpubliek zijn Italiaanse en internationale academici, bedrijven en overheden. Kennisuitwisseling, best practices en de economische opportuniteiten van groene technologieën staan centraal.
Landbouw, industrie en consument
Het seminarie focust de eerste dag op de primaire sector. De UGent snijdt het thema biodiversiteit en voedselveiligheid aan. Landbouwtechnologie en het gebruik van landbouwgewassen voor voeding of energie staan eveneens op 8 juni op de agenda. VLACO heeft het over de organisch biologische kringloop.
Het beperken van de milieu-impact van de voedingsindustrie op het vlak van afval, water en energie, staat centraal op dinsdag 9 juni. Duurzaam watergebruik en het hergebruik van afvalwater komen bij Aquafin, VLAKWA en De Watergroep aan bod.
Op de derde dag staat consumptie centraal. De vraag hoe voedselverlies kan beperkt worden, komt o.a. aan bod bij retailer Delhaize. Flanders' Food bekijkt hoe de voedingsindustrie tegelijk onze gezondheid en het leefmilieu kan verbeteren. Fost Plus toont hoe het gebruik van meer verpakkingen toch milieuvriendelijk kan zijn als daardoor het voedselverlies beperkt wordt.
Technologische oplossingen en sensibilisering
Met dit Milieuseminarie laten we de wereld zien dat Vlaanderen een voortrekker is op het vlak van duurzame technologische oplossingen voor de voedselproblematiek. In het Belgisch paviljoen zorgen we ook voor beeldmateriaal over voedselverliezen en over manieren waarop consumenten gesensibiliseerd kunnen worden om bijvoorbeeld voedseloverschotten te vermijden. In de tuin van het paviljoen hebben we een insectenhotel geplaatst want bijen spelen een belangrijke rol in de voedselproductie.
Het volledige programma van het milieuseminarie vindt u hieronder of via de link
· 10h30: Introduction
Annemie Turtelboom, Vice-Minister President of the Government of Flanders, Flemish Minister for the Budget, Finance and Energy
· 10h50: The user: the key to the Energy transition
Ronnie Belmans, CEO EnergyVille
· 11h10: Globalization and future Identity of the Food and Drink Industry
Daniele Rossi, Director R&I, ConfAgricoltura and V. Chairman of the EU Technology Platform “Food For Life” Data, figures and trends of the European and global scenarios of the Food sector.
· 11h30: Nature conservation and food production: a long-lasting relationship?
Jeroen Nachtergaele, Head of division, Nature and Forest Policy, Flemish government
In Flanders, a densely populated area, developing extra nature conservation areas leads to a direct decrease of the available area of arable land.
· 11h30: Biodiversity for Food Security and Nutrition
Hilde Eggermont, Belgian Biodiversity Platform ( /University Gent
This presentation highlights the linkage between biodiversity conservation and sustainable food production, the importance of science-policy interfacing in this domain, and possible solutions to cope with future food security.
· 12h10: Food versus energy
Jurgen Tack, CEO Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Which is the better use for a plot of land: growing crops to feed nations or growing crops to power them with biofuel? The answer to this question is, perhaps not surprisingly, complex and is strongly interrelated with biodiversity related issues.
· 12h30: Precision farming will be smart…or not at all?
Jürgen Vangeyte, Scientific Director, The Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO)
Precision agriculture technology must become “smart” or at least a good deal “smarter”.
· 12h50: Quality is a means, not an end
Kristel Vandenbroek, VLACO (organization for quality control & recycling bio waste)
The research project DUPOCO adjusted the production of green waste compost to meet the needs of a potting soil even better.
· 10h30: Roadmap for the reduction of food losses in Flanders
Dirk Van Gijseghem, Head of a division, Ministry of Agriculture, Flemish government
All food chain partners in Flanders have engaged in a Roadmap for the reduction of food losses, containing more than 50 different actions. Testimonial about food losses by Liesje De Schamphelaire
· 11h00: The food industry on its way to ‘environmental neutrality’: a feasibility study
Yleni De Neve, Policy advisor, Environment, Nature and Energy Department, Flemish government
Results of a feasibility study on achieving carbon, water and waste neutrality in 2030 in the Flemish food industry.
· 11h20: Valorization of waste and side streams, a key in the circular economy
Marie Demarcke, Project Manager, Flanders' FOOD
Industrial symbiosis by matchmaking, collaboration across sectors
· 11h40: The socio-economic importance of water – Challenges of the future
Dirk Van der Stede, Managing-director, VLAKWA (Flanders Knowledge Centre Water)
Rational use of water resources is a must for companies aiming to reduce their environmental impact and expenses and to increase their competitiveness and create jobs.
· 12h00: WWTP’s as recycling plants. Resource recovery from municipal wastewater.
Luc Bossyns, CEO Aquafin In recent years there has been an increasing interest in recovering raw materials from municipal wastewater. Several possibilities are discussed.
· 12h20: From drinking water to integrated water cycle management
Boudewijn Van De Steene, Managing Director, De Watergroep
De Watergroep offers customized services to businesses that wish to develop a sustainable water management policy. By using alternative water sources, such as recycled waste water or industrial water, we help companies close the water cycle and realize significant savings.
· 10h30: Reducing food waste, a consumer’s perspective
Gilles Bavay, Policy Advisor, Environment, Nature and Energy Department, Flemish government
The Flemish government has developed a strategy to raise awareness, and to inspire and engage consumers to reduce food losses.
· 10h50: How to tackle food waste?
Katrien Van Biesen , Health & Nutrition Specialist, Delhaize
Food retailer Delhaize has embedded food waste in its sustainability strategy.
· 11h10: How to brand soils? A campaign of the Flanders Region in the context of the United Nations International Year of Soils.
Jan Verheyen, Spokesman of the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM)
In the International Year of Soils (2015) the Flemish Region has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the role of soils and land for our economy, our health, our living environment and for innovation.
· 11h30: Sustainable proteins: from idea to fork
Marie Demarcke, Project Manager, Flanders’ FOOD In search of a strategy to feed 9 billion people: alternative proteins.
· 11h50: Enough is as good as a feast
Charlotte Boone, Knowledge Manager Flanders’ FOOD
How can the food industry improve our health, and the environment at the same time? A lot of energy goes into the production of what seems to be just an abundance of calories and little nutrients. How can the food industry improve our health, and the environment at the same time?
· 11h10: More is less, when more packaging reduces the environmental impact of food waste
Gaëlle Janssens, Prevention and R&D Manager, Fost Plus
A new study shows that using more packaging can be environmentally friendly if reduces food waste by a few percentage points.
· 12h30: Commentary & evaluation
Jean-Pierre Heirman, Secretary-general, Environment, Nature and Energy Department, Flemish government
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